Nidra Poller Interview with Jerry Gordon on Al Durah

The Al-Dura Affair Blood Libel: an interview with Nidra Poller
from Jerry Gordon

The Al-Dura Affair Blood Libel: an interview with Nidra Poller from Jerry Gordon on Vimeo.

In this video Nidra Poller is interviewed by Jerry Gordon, a Senior Editor at the New English Review. She is a historian by training, writer by profession and journalist by necessity with a unique view of major developments in Europe, Israel and America. Her latest novel ...

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“So What if Al Durah was Staged?”: Meditations on the Colonization of the Israeli Mind

Originally posted at The Augean Stables, January 18, 2008

I recently gave a talk at a conference on Media and Ethics in Jerusalem, where I presented the case against Enderlin’s version of the Muhammad al Durah story. Apparently, the presentation was relatively convincing since one of the first criticisms I immediately received from a prominent Israeli professor of communications was: “So what? According to reliable statistics, the Israeli army has killed over 800 Palestinian children since the second Intifada. So ...

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Reactions to the Al-Durah Affair in the Muslim World

Reactions to the Al-Durah Affair in the Muslim World

Highlighting the Impact of the Al-Durah Incident

• Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, a moderate Arab leader who was attempting to facilitate Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation, expressed publically his outrage at the Al-Durah incident, stating: ‘A child who died in the lap of his father, this really makes one loses his senses….this makes rocks have feelings.’


• One of the main streets running through the center of Baghdad, Iraq, was officially renamed ‘The ...

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